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In the first part of my blog post, I focussed on the general opportunities and challenges of AI as well as specific applications of generative AI. The second part deals with the application of AI in the various phases of the customer journey.

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23.07.2024 By Tobias Kirsch

Use Case – AI in the social sector

Picture Tobias Kirsch

As you may have gathered from the first blog post, "Volunteering and its parallels in everyday IT", by Johannes Bayerl and myself, the social sector is very close to my heart. By chance, the Italian adesso Stefano Mainetti came across our post and shared it on his LinkedIn network. In doing so, he also referred to an interesting adesso project from Italy.

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This is the first part of my three-part blog post on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the insurance industry. In this first part, I focus on the general opportunities and challenges of AI as well as specific applications of generative AI. The focus is on marketing and sales.

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Everyone makes GenAI and that's right! But despite the hype surrounding GenAI, the fundamental field of machine learning (ML) must not be forgotten. Because there is still a lot of untapped potential for companies here. Few people understand what artificial intelligence (AI) actually includes and how to use it optimally for their own business. We have gained a lot of experience as trainers and based on this we have created suitable training offers.

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In a world where AI is both a buzzword and a transformative technology, data scientists must adapt to stay ahead. This blog explores the evolution of AI terminology, essential skills, and the impact of technological and regulatory changes. From the cloud to MLOps, scientific rigor to linguistic precision, discover how data scientists are ensuring they remain vital in the age of automation and intelligent assistants. Whether you're a seasoned professional or curious about AI's future, this read promises valuable insights and practical advice.

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In a world where technology is advancing relentlessly, the various insurance intermediary professions need to adapt the way they work in order to stay relevant. But how do insurance intermediaries feel about this new technology? I answer this question in my blog post.

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One of the major global challenges is the climate crisis. It has been with us for some time now and is manifested, among other things, in the increase in climate-related extreme weather events. AI can also provide support in this context. This blog post shows in which scenarios this can be the case, how the use of AI works and what hurdles there are.

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AI is indispensable for companies' customer relationships in the digital world. It automates processes, analyses data intelligently and adapts content in real time. This enables customer needs to be better met, customer behaviour to be analysed in detail and all touchpoints of the customer journey to be optimised. I present further insights and solutions in my blog post.

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22.04.2024 By Jonas Vöhringer

GenAI goes Energy

Picture Jonas Vöhringer

Künstliche Intelligenz ist unaufhaltsam auf dem Vormarsch. Mit der Generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz (kurz GenAI) hat das Thema eine neue Dimension erreicht, die tiefgreifende Veränderungen mit sich bringt - auch in der Energiewirtschaft. Über welche Marktrollen sich die Anwendungsfelder erstrecken und wie der Einstieg gelingt, zeige ich in diesem Blog-Beitrag.

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