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01.07.2024 By Milena Fluck and Andy Schmidt

Decision Making under Uncertainty


Most decisions are made under uncertainty. The real world is an intangible system with a high degree of complexity and a multitude of dependencies. But how exactly does making decisions under uncertainty work? This blog post presents three main strands that are used in research for this purpose.

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For some time now, agility has been a guiding principle, a mindset, something akin to a philosophy to succeed in today’s business world. But with so many agile approaches to choose from, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture. We will therefore be taking a look at various agile methods from different angles. The aim is to help you choose the right method for you.

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Agility and data science have both taken on a larger role in recent years. The use of agile methods and frameworks can be a key factor in the success of a company. In this and future blog posts, I will be focusing primarily on the question of whether and how agile approaches can be integrated into the field of data science. We will begin by taking a look at basic things you need to know about data science and agility.

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27.09.2023 By Ellen Volkert , Julia Schönauer and Melanie Truhöl

New agile – a balanced, hybrid work model


How we work has changed fundamentally in recent decades, a trend that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes require new forms of work in companies that are focused on the evolving needs of employees. The term used to describe this is new work. Agile working is a form of new work. We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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14.06.2023 By Guido Schmitter

The 3⁴ concept for organisational development

Picture Guido Schmitter

If we view organisation as more than just an administrative framework – namely a structure that has a purpose and creates value – then it becomes clear that finding a holistic approach to develop said structure is not easy. This blog post will introduce the 3⁴ concept for organisational development.

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04.05.2023 By Jenny Gursch and Markus Felkel

Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it – part 2


In the first part of our blog series on ‘Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it’, we took a closer look at the demand for agile scaling and the associated challenges that need to be overcome in order to generate added value for an organisation. In this next part, we will focus on the challenges that come with agile scaling.

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Lightbulb moments are not something you can explain, they are something that you need to experience. Just like success factors for agility. As an agile coach, I often deal with teams who want to become better. If we engage in this process and accept the uncertainty, we can learn and gain new insights. Mindfulness facilitates this process and can help you work more successfully.

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20.04.2023 By Maximilian Röttgen

Getting more story in the user story

Picture Maximilian Röttgen

In my view, traditional user stories do not offer the team enough opportunity to stretch their creative legs. I think there are good reasons for writing real stories in backlog items – user experience (UX), customer centricity and, last but not least, motivation. Everyone on the team can identify with a real story – no matter what their role is or what their background is (technical or otherwise). I will explain why in this blog post.

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Digital Experience

I want to use this blog post to tell you about the dual-track agile framework, which pursues the goal of methodically aligning the different activities from conception to design to implementation within agile product development and bringing the team members closer together. The focus here is primarily on the adaptability of UX activities in terms of speed and granularity.

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