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Microsoft Fabric has the potential to revolutionize the way you build, extend, and maintain enterprise data architectures. Years ago, the concept of "Platform as a Service” (PaaS) rather than "Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS), brought a simplification to building architectures. With Fabric, Microsoft now offers the next, logical step: Turnkey "Software as a Service” (SaaS) modules can be assembled with a few clicks into a powerful, easily extensible, and scalable enterprise data architecture. Find out more in my blog post

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In the ever-evolving landscape of data management and analytics, staying ahead of the curve is critical to meeting the needs of modern digital businesses. With Microsoft Fabric entering its public preview phase in mid-May of 2023, this ecosystem is experiencing significant disruption. We partnered with our client to test these waters, embarking on a Proof of Concept (PoC) project to migrate their existing on-premises data warehouse to the cloud, using Microsoft Fabric.

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In this blog post, we will explore the requirements specific to data science projects, explain how to choose the right agile approach and take a closer look at the current state of research.

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Agility and data science have both taken on a larger role in recent years. The use of agile methods and frameworks can be a key factor in the success of a company. In this and future blog posts, I will be focusing primarily on the question of whether and how agile approaches can be integrated into the field of data science. We will begin by taking a look at basic things you need to know about data science and agility.

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25.07.2023 By Marc Mezger and Moritz Momper

The best Visual Studio Code extensions for Python developers


In this blog post, we would like to present the Visual Studio Code extensions that are indispensable in our day-to-day work as experts in the fields of machine learning, data engineering and AI. If you do not have the appropriate extensions, Visual Studio Code would not be a full-fledged integrated development environment (IDE). But with the right ones, you can save yourself a lot of work and become more productive as a developer.

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Reports and key performance indicators (KPIs) create transparency that is of great use for many departments at a company. Using dashboards is recommended since they are a cost-effective tool for grid operators in view of the limited budgets available to them. In our blog post, we will be focusing on dashboards that provide grid operators with business and financial KPIs.

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Data innovations and data analytics use cases are an issue in the energy industry. Grid operators are sitting on mountains of unused data, meaning they are unable to properly exploit synergy effects and efficiency potentials. This blog post will explain how fully integrated processes, systems and data can help speed up the energy transition.

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03.02.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Jonas Schnorrenberg

Are business intelligence maturity models relevant for the energy sector?


Business intelligence (BI) maturity models are used to find out how far along a company is in terms of digitalisation and data use. In our blog post, we will explain how maturity models help with classification, whether the Interaction Room is an alternative way to apply them and, if it is, whether it can be used as a basis to successfully improve BI in the holistic consultancy process.

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In recent months, there have been many innovations in the market for self-service BI tools. In this way, innovative software products are making it possible to expand the user base of analytics applications. Our customers have also become aware of this development, which has led to us being commissioned to carry out a corresponding tool comparison. In our blog post, we would like to briefly describe the procedure used for this tool evaluation and then present the data preparation tools from the shortlist (Alteryx, Trifacta and Microsoft Power BI Dataflows) in more detail.

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