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In a world where AI is both a buzzword and a transformative technology, data scientists must adapt to stay ahead. This blog explores the evolution of AI terminology, essential skills, and the impact of technological and regulatory changes. From the cloud to MLOps, scientific rigor to linguistic precision, discover how data scientists are ensuring they remain vital in the age of automation and intelligent assistants. Whether you're a seasoned professional or curious about AI's future, this read promises valuable insights and practical advice.

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22.04.2024 By Jonas Vöhringer

GenAI goes Energy

Picture Jonas Vöhringer

Künstliche Intelligenz ist unaufhaltsam auf dem Vormarsch. Mit der Generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz (kurz GenAI) hat das Thema eine neue Dimension erreicht, die tiefgreifende Veränderungen mit sich bringt - auch in der Energiewirtschaft. Über welche Marktrollen sich die Anwendungsfelder erstrecken und wie der Einstieg gelingt, zeige ich in diesem Blog-Beitrag.

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17.04.2023 By Marc Mezger and Hong Chen

A brief introduction to GPT-4


In this blog post, we will introduce OpenAI’s latest stroke of genius: GPT-4, the latest and most advanced version of the generative pre-trained transformer language model. With the ability to process both image and text inputs and produce human-like text output, GPT-4 demonstrates human-level performance at various professional and academic benchmarks. Its enhanced reasoning, knowledge storage and coding capabilities make the application a powerful tool for natural language processing tasks. You will find out more about the development and use of this cutting-edge technology in our blog post.

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01.03.2023 By Andreas Helfenstein

The monkey, the railroad, and responsible AI

Picture Andreas Helfenstein

The EU AI act will bring regulation to the Wild West of Artificial intelligence and impact how you use AI in your organization. Read what that means and how you can prepare for the changes already today.

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In my blog post, I will take a brief look back at the major topics from the world of AI in 2022. These include ChatGPT, the question of whether AIs have consciousness and the European Union’s AI Act. I will discuss some of the main highlights and take a look ahead to 2023.

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Data is the basis for all business processes as well as a company’s value chain. Purchasing customer data records allows companies to place highly customised, targeted product offers, which increases conversion rates and subsequently sales. This is exactly where digital regulation comes in to play. In our blog post, we will explain what this looks like and how regulatory changes affect AI and data projects.

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While navigating through the energy crisis, having access to reasonable electricity demand forecasts is essential for everyone who wants to help flatten consumption peaks and decrease their energy costs. In this blog post, I explain how I developed a deep learning model to make short-term predictions about Finnish electricity consumption.

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25.01.2023 By Janina Radschibajev

AI and creativity – Quo Vadis

Picture Janina Radschibajev

Recent developments show that artificial intelligence (AI) can produce amazing results. Today, we see new tools almost daily that aim to do just that: To create things. Where the journey is going and what impact the use of AI has on the creative industry, I show in my blog post.

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14.07.2021 By Dr. Zeljko Dzunic and Matthias Proschinger

Low code and AI: the next big step in the AI adoption strategy – part 2


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the biggest technological driver of the future, but projects often fail due to the complexity of their implementation or a lack of experts. In the first part of this series, we tried to answer the question of how low-code platforms can facilitate AI adoption. In this part, we will now take look at intelligent process automation – a combination of different technologies: artificial Intelligence, low code and robotic process automation (RPA). What are the advantages of using this combination? Using a well-known use case with SAP, we will introduce you to the advantages of intelligent process automation to optimise workflows.

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