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03.11.2023 By Zoe Holdt and Maximilian Hammes

Smart IT solutions for the hydrogen ramp-up in Germany


Hydrogen has become a critical player in the energy sector over recent years. It is seen as the key to achieving the climate goals with its potential in terms of decarbonisation and energy conversion. In this blog post, we take a closer look at the forecasts for hydrogen as well as the associated challenges and explore how adesso can support efforts in this area.

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The renewable energy industry is booming, with wind turbines taking on a central role in driving this growth. While the wind energy sector continues to grow, approval procedures are becoming increasingly complex and time-consuming. This is where augmented reality (AR) comes into play. By integrating AR into the wind turbine construction process, approval procedures can be sped up and digitalised. I will show how this works in my blog post.

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As we have all seen, digitalisation has made inroads across all sectors in recent years, including in the waste management industry. The rollout of digital technologies and solutions represents a great opportunity to make more efficient use of resources, improve process transparency and achieve greater sustainability in waste management. Despite this, companies and public authorities face a number of challenges. I will explain what these are and how companies can overcome them in my blog post.

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As part of the VideKIS research project, adesso is developing a virtual power plant comprised of decentralised renewable energy plants that uses an optimisation model to generate decisions regarding the sale of power for these plants. This blog post will use an example to present a process model for creating an optimisation model.

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The growing number of heat pumps, photovoltaic systems and wallboxes for EVs that are installed presents energy suppliers and grid operators with the challenge of how to handle the deluge of requests for grid connections and extensions. In this blog post, I will show you how we can help our customers meet this challenge.

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Geoinformation systems play an important role in the energy sector. Distribution grid operators in particular use them for infrastructure planning, for power connections and for generating digital power grid models. These ‘digital twins’ collect geographical and technical data to improve the efficiency and resilience of the grid and optimise utilisation rates. I will explain how energy suppliers can become more efficient in my blog post.

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03.08.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak and Felix Magdeburg

Vehicle-to-grid – the Holy Grail of storage solutions?


Storing electricity remains one of the key challenges of the energy transition. But which solution is the best? There a number of concepts out there, such as vehicle-to-home, vehicle-to-load and vehicle-to-grid. In our blog post, we will explain what this is all about and which solution is the best.

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24.07.2023 By Simon Bächle, Zoe Holdt and Timo Hartmann

More than just a contract – power purchase agreements as a driver for innovation


While electricity prices on the stock market are subject to ever greater fluctuations these days, off-market contracts, known as power purchase agreements, can provide a solution. These agreements can not only provide protection against volatile prices, but also boost the expansion of renewable power plants. You will learn exactly what this is all about in this blog post.

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21.07.2023 By Wolfgang Weber

Grid fees for gas – quo vadis?

Picture Wolfgang Weber

In this blog post, I will first present the system of grid charges for electricity and gas grid operators in Germany and the influence that grid fees have on the price of gas for household customers. I will then explain why I believe that grid fees (and thus also the gas price) will rise. Finally, I will offer a prediction of what a financial relief package can and cannot provide and what consequences consumers and grid operators should take away from this.

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